Saturday, April 30, 2016

Heart and Vascular Disease

Heart and vascular disease

Reception of cardiovascular drugs along with herbs is dangerous!

A recent study, cardiovascular drugs, along with herbs can do more harm than good.

Some popular herbs, in particular, Ginkgo Biloba and St. John's wort, may reinforce the effect of several drugs appointed by the elderly for treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Meanwhile, according to calculations, more than 15 million Americans every day consume certain herbs, believing that by doing so strengthen your health.

So, some Holy assured that St. John's wort improves sleep and helps fight depression. Others believe that medicinal herbs can be trusted to cure and such ailments as cancer and are not confused by the lack of clinical evidence of this.

Interaction between some herbs and drugs can lead to life-threatening conditions, explains Dr. Arshad Jahangir of the branch of the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. -May be disrupted blood clotting, increased activity of liver enzymes, changes can occur on kardiogramme

The results of a study published in the journal of the American College of Cardiology (Journal of the American College of Cardiology)

Non-traditional and folk remedies, recipes and treatments for heart disease, recipes at IGN
  • Four times four consecutive days to drink broth blue flowers of Hawthorn (Crataegus rentaguna)
  • Take one pound butter, one pound of pork Interior fat, one pound of honey, one pound of sugar, a quarter pound of cacao, eight egg yolks, three cups of cream. Egg yolks, cream, cocoa, butter, together bring down fat warm up together. All mix, boil until dough will turn out like the pancakes. Once it starts boiling three times, cool. Drink three times a day on the dining room teaspoonful.
  • Valerian (root)-30-35 g hulwort ordinary (grass)-30 g, a Yarrow (fruit)-25 g. Take in the form of warm tea for 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 40 minutes before meals as a restorative tool.
  • Lily of the Valley (grass)-10 g, fennel (seeds)-15 g, peppermint (leaf)-15 g, valerian (root)-20 g. pour a glass kipatka insist 20 minutes. Drink on the dining room teaspoonful 4 times a day for 1:00 before eating for one month as a restorative tool.
  • In all cases of heart disease plays an enormous role cleansing diet, because the cleaner will be blood passing through your heart, the less at its structures will shake down toxins and the easier it will be for it to carry out its work. For the prevention of heart disease need to minimize (or eliminate) the consumption of meat, bread, sugar, pies, cakes, fried foods, junk food, etc. Should be completely excluded from the diet of starch and milk products. Regardless of the type of heart disease, you need to rational nutrition. Tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages should not be drunk at all. Abandon the condiments, sauces, quit smoking, drink alcohol.
  • Avoid indigestion and related diseases, because such diseases have a negative effect on the heart. Need to rest as much as possible. To prevent overstimulation, prolonged physical or nervous tension.
  • Periodically during the two weeks of use 10-15 drops of tincture of iodine in milk glass 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
  • FRY on griddle 1 tablespoon hemp seed, crush them and pour 1 glass of hot milk insist 1 day, strain and drink a solution in small portions throughout the day (before meals).
  • People who are prone to heart disease, Wang recommended in the morning on an empty stomach to drink broth from Blackthorn fruit within four days.
  • Four times a day for four consecutive days to drink broth blue flowers of Hawthorn.
  • Fresh and Dried apricots are especially useful for prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. As a source of b vitamins and potassium Dried apricots (dried apricots and form) to take the number 1 cup a day.
  • Watermelon and figs are also useful for prevention and treatment of various diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Well take in cardiovascular diseases gourd juice mixed with honey. Drink it at night.
  • You should drink tea from Tsvetkov violets many times a day.
  • Daily consumption of nuts and raisin tones the nervous system, reduces fatigue, strengthens the heart muscle and the nervous system.
  • Water broth bogorodskoj herbs (thyme ordinary) or Valerian root drink for prevention of various diseases of the heart.
  • When heart disease take 0.2 g "Mummy" within 10 days, 5 days break, just 3-4 courses.
  • Desertsrnika grass juice take 30 drops in water for half an hour before meals.
  • Decoction of grass sushenitsy, Hawthorn flowers and leaves omely: Mix equal quantities taken as a grass sushenitsy, flowers Hawthorn and mistletoe leaves. 25 grams of this mixture pour one litre of hot water to boil. After half an hour, drain. Take on a half-glass 3 times a day.
  • An infusion of the herb of Adonis (Adonis): five grams of herb Adonis pour one cup boiling water. Push hour, drain. Take the inside of half a Cup twice a day.
  • An infusion of Hawthorn flowers: 20 grams of Hawthorn flowers pour three cups of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, drain. Take one glass three times a day.
  • Lemon balm infusion: three grams of Melissa pour one cup boiling water. Insist half an hour, drain. Take the inside of half a Cup twice a day.
  • Infusion of peppermint leaves pepper: 10 grams of peppermint leaves pepper pour two glasses of boiled water. Insist 20 minutes, drain. Take on a half-glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • Perestupna white root tincture (brionia white): three grams of chopped root perestupna white pour two glasses of boiling water, boil in water bath for half an hour. Push one hour, drain. Take one quarter Cup three times a day before meals.
  • An infusion of the herb Lady: 40 grams of the herb Lady's bedstraw pour one litre of boiling water. Push hour, drain. Take one tablespoon 3-5 times a day.
  • To prevent angina attacks best way is considered the following: copper saucepan pour 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth, put there peeled garlic cloves from one big head. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat 15 minutes. Add two bunch parsley mash mixer. Tuck ash algae and drink every day.
  • Fresh fruits (pods) of Sophora pour grape vodka in a weight ratio of 1:1. Insist 21 day in a dark place, filter, wring out. Apply as in the previous recipe.
  • Dry fruits of Sophora insist on vodka at a ratio of 1:2. Insist and drink as well as fresh fruit. Tincture store in a dry, dark and cool place. Applied inside of 10 drops 4-5 times a day up to 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Use to prevent internal bleeding of different origins, particularly in brain and heart, the retina of the eye; in angina, hypertension, diabetes, sklerotičeskom rebirth of blood vessels.
  • Mix 200 g of honey, olive oil and grape vodka. Take three times a day for one glass.
  • Take 1 liter of honey, 10 lemons squeeze, 10 heads of garlic Peel and grind the meat grinder. All mix and leave for a week in a closed Bank. Take 4 teaspoons 1 times per day. But not immediately swallow it all, but slowly, slowly take one spoon at a time. Days not to miss. This amount should be enough for two months.
  • Take 2-3 tablespoons of infusion of 15 g of celandine on a boiled water glass, or 15-20 drops 3 times daily, or tincture of 10-15 g grasses on 100 g of alcohol or glass of vodka.

Fish oil: treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Fat contained in muscles (especially rib) and fish-liver, now BP Mya is the subject of a multifaceted research, because in it there are large quantities of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Even in the 80-ies of the last century up to 48% of general practitioners and cardiology actively designating fish oil to their patients as a treatment for violations of lipid metabolism and coronary heart disease.

In a series of studies to clarify the role of vitamins in the process of atherogenesis, conducted the School Professor A.l. Myasnikova, found that vitamin d prevents development of atherosclerosis. Then the children for the prevention of rickets instead of fish oil have become assign pure preparations of vitamin d ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), and fish oil was applied for the treatment of wounds and Burns as an external tool.

However, in the seventies, academic interest in ryb′emu Giroux revived through research, which showed lower mortality from heart attack among the coastal part of the Eskimo population of Greenland, which mainly feeds on marine fish and marine animals. It was found that favorable for the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart attack fat blood profile Northwestern Greenland Inuit owes its origin to fat fish, which contains in its structure of Omega-3 fatty acids (Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic).

In addition to becoming the first studies on the inverse relationship between incidence and mortality from heart attack and the amount of fish consumed, there are other studies. Thus, the programme of Honolulu to study heart disease when observing within 23 years 8006 Japanese living in Honolulu (Hawaii, United States), found that the negative effect of smoking on the heart (early development and more severe coronary heart disease) is significantly reduced in individuals systematically consume fish 2 or more times per week.

The study, comprising 1015 patients after myocardial infarction, half of which it was recommended that increased consumption of fish through 2 years was found to decrease mortality from heart attack at 29% in comparison with the 2nd group not receiving fish.

The results of numerous experimental and clinical studies on the effect of his fat fish and the mechanism of its action in brief can be summarized as follows: fish oil has a protivoaterosklerotičeskij effect.

Dogs with holesterinovym atherosclerosis carotid and femoral arteries, femoral artery bypass surgery were produced. Half of the dogs continued to receive cholesterol, another cholesterol and fish oil. 
Long-term prescription fish oil has had a protective effect on the shunt (shunt compared to a control group of dogs). In experimental animals exposed to ligation or trombirovaniû one of the branches of the coronary arteries, the area of necrosis was less, and the frequency of malignant arrhythmias significantly less if these animals received fish oil. 
In many experimental studies found antitromboticescoe effect of fish oil 
The pilot studies have revealed property of fish oil in inhibiting atherosclerosis. 
According to clinical observations, the use of fish oil concentrate with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids leads to lower blood triglycerides on 21-79%. Total cholesterol in the blood in two thirds of the studies decreased 34-65%, whereas in the remaining one-third of the studies indicated lipids level rise up to 18%. 
When treating fish oil these effects from the blood lipids are developed in two weeks and remain throughout the duration of treatment.

Fish oil moderately reduces blood pressure in hypertension. 
While adhering to a diet rich in fish oil, or when taking preparations sealed Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids indicated prolonged blood clotting, lowering the ability of platelets, platelet reduction of whole blood viscosity, increasing the fluidity of casing and red blood cells, which improves their accessibility in a current of blood. Beneficial effects on blood lipids and antitromboticeski effect make fish oil (in the form of appropriate fish diet or in the form of its components) very attractive for the prevention of cardiovascular disorders and Cerebra (heart attack, stroke).

Effects of fish oil are manifold. It is used for the treatment of autoimmune and immunologic 
diseases-asthma, KRAs Oh lupus, atopic dermatitis. Anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil, in accordance with modern views on the role of inflammation in atherogenesis, gives additional grounds to the use of fish oil in atherosclerotic diseases with the aim of treatment and prevention.

The most important are the results of a major cooperative study, made in Italy-the GISSI-Prevenzione. Half of the 11 323 patients after myocardial infarction within 3-5 years received 1.0 g of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, other floor Chali standard treatment from your doctor (384 in total 17.9 person/years of observation). During this time he died 1031 sick (9.1%) after 3 months from the beginning of observation of patients who, in addition to the usual treatment of fish oil, recorded fewer deaths than in the control group (1.1% versus 1.6%; p < 0.037). By the end of the observation accuracy of difference in favor of the patients with the primary group is even higher (8.4 vs. 9.9). Risk of death in the study group, fell by 21%. These figures give an idea of fish oils and preparations on its basis How about the potentially has anti-atherosclerotic action.

American Heart Association gives recommendations on appointment of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for a healthy population, and for patients with overt coronary heart disease (especially after acute coronary syndromes), recommends acceptance of 1 g of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the form of fish oil machines. The main objective of this assignment is reducing the risk of sudden death. In addition, the American Heart Association recommends fish oil in patients with elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood for 2-4 grams per day. Omega-3 supplementation is recommended by the Russian scientific society of cardiology.

Tolerability of fish oil is good. From minor side effects may be noted a foul odor and bad taste of fish oil. Observed adverse effects from the blood lipids (HDL level decrease, increasing the level of LDL CHOLESTEROL) by the end of the first year of application of fish oil disappear.

A wide range of individuals with risk factors and elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood it is recommended that mandatory adherence to a diet that includes 2-3 times a week intake of fish (fatty fish holodnovodnoj are recommended).

Fish diet is perfectly combined with the use of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Folk remedies for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular diseases)

ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Garlic and atherosclerosis
Eat every day (with food) 2-3 cloves of garlic. This helps cleanse the blood vessels from atherosclerotic deposits, reduce high blood pressure, improves appetite, digestion, urination, energizes sexual glands activity, has antidiabetic effect, increases resistance to infectious diseases.

Honey garlic against atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases
Take 250 g of peeled and minced garlic grater, pour 350 g of liquid honey, mix well and insist in the dark during the week. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals in atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, varicose veins and endarteriite.

Propolisno-garlic balm
First preparing garlic tincture: take 200 g svežeizmel′čennoj garlic pulp (to obtain it can be peeled cloves of garlic mince twice), pour it into the bottle of dark glasses 200 ml 96% alcohol, stand in a dark place 10-12 days, then filter, add 50 g of honey bee, 30 ml 20% propolis tincture in alcohol, stir to dissolve honey and survive another 2-3 days.

Taking the drug drops (see diagram) in 50 ml of milk 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

Dosage diagram propolisno-garlic balm

reception Number of drops
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
1-St 1 2 3
2-nd 4 5 6
3-th 7 • 8 9
4-th 10 11 12
5-th 13 14 15
6-th 15 14 13
7-th 12 11 10
8-th 9 8 7
9-th 6 5 4
10-th 3 2 1
With the G1-the first day of drug taking 25 drops 3 times a day until the end of the month (30 days). This is followed by a break of 5 months, and the course is repeated.

The drug has a wonderful therapeutic and preventive effect of atherosclerosis (the body is cleaned of atherogenic fat, improves the elasticity of the arteries, metabolism, there is reverse atherosclerosis, prevents the occurrence of angina and heart attack), it is also very useful when ulcers stomach, duodenal ulcer, chronic enterocolitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory diseases.

Pretty valuable property propolisno-garlic balm is that it boosts the immune system and prevents the development of cancer (particularly good effect occurs when the drug is used when precancerous conditions, such as stomach ulcers and chronic anacidic gastritis, ulcerative colitis, etc.).

Restorative and anti-sclerotic tool
Take 300 GR of peeled cloves of garlic, grate them on a fine grater or mince, then put in a jar, add juice of 3 lemons and tie cheesecloth. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture (before taking the Bank to stir), pre breeding it in a glass of boiled water in cattle. After 10-15 days from the beginning of the reception garlic-lemon mixture improves overall health, memory, increases efficiency and so on.

In the past this recipe enjoyed special popularity in Russia. It is popularly considered a tonic and antisclerotic agent.

Broth of fruits of Hawthorn and atherosclerosis
Take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dried fruits, Hawthorn, pour them 0.5 l of boiling water, Cook over low heat 10 minutes, 1-2 hours insist and drink 150 ml broth before eating 3-4 times a day (last admission is at bedtime) in atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, etc. The course of treatment a month, followed by a break of 10-14 days, and the treatment is repeated. During the year, held 5-7 courses administered.

Prolonged use of Hawthorn decoction gives good results even when expressed arteriosclerosis. At the same time there has been a better sleep, lowering high blood pressure, improved blood circulation in the myocardium (heart muscle), brain brain, reducing breathlessness, palpitations, avoids overtraining and amortization of the heart.

An infusion of Hawthorn flowers against atherosclerosis
Take 3 tbsp. teaspoons dry crushed Hawthorn flowers, pour into a thermos 0.5 l of boiled water, insist half an hour-hour and drink warm for 2/3 cup for 15-20 minutes before eating at an atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, etc., the course of treatment a month, followed by a break of 10-14 days, and the treatment is repeated. During the year, held 5-7 courses administered.

Tincture of Hawthorn flowers against atherosclerosis
Prepare spirit tincture of flowers. Why take 3 tbsp. teaspoons dry crushed Hawthorn flowers, pour them in a bottle 100 ml of alcohol and insist in a dark place at room temperature for up to 10 days, occasionally shaking. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture, breeding it in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes before eating at an atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, etc. The course of treatment 1 month, followed by 2 weeks break, and the treatment is repeated. During the year, held 5-7 courses administered.

Tincture of Hawthorn fruit and atherosclerosis
For making her take a 1/2 cup fresh, previously kneaded the fruits of hawthorn, pour them in a bottle 100 ml of alcohol and put in a dark location infuse 3 weeks (occasionally shake!). Then strain and drink for 1 teaspoon, breeding tincture in small amount of water, 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating in cattle. The course of treatment a month, followed by a break of 10-14 days, and the treatment is repeated. During the year, held 5-7 courses administered.

Hawthorn tincture shows also with high blood pressure, angina, insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, tireotoxicose and nervous excitation.

Syren′e of Hawthorn and atherosclerosis
Take fresh mature fruits of hawthorn, iterate through them, wash, dry, grind it with sugar (1 kg of berries is 0.8 kg of sugar and 20 g citric acid), folded into jars, pour sugar over the top and put on him a circle of paper soaked in alcohol. Citric acid is added to the work piece so that it does not zaplesnevela. You should store it in the refrigerator. Until the next season you can drink tea with therapeutic syren′em of hawthorn, protects against atherosclerosis and its consequences.

Hawthorn juice and cardiovascular disease
Take 1 kg of ripe fruits of hawthorn, iterate, rinse, mash with a wooden pestle, add 200 ml of boiled water, heated to 40° c and squeeze juice under the pressure. Drink it in 1 tbsp. Spoon 3-4 times a day before meal (last admission is at night) in atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, etc. It's a very positive effect on the blood vessels and heart.

Hawthorn with propolis against atherosclerosis
Mix evenly pharmacy tincture of Hawthorn fruit with 20% alcohol on tojkoj propolis.

Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals in atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, dizziness, palpitations, high blood pressure, sleep disorders.

The drug has expressed protivosklerotičeskoe effect, tones up heart muscle, increases blood circulation, it helps to normalize heart rhythms, sleep, lowers high blood pressure.

Herbal potion from leaves of a walnut and atherosclerosis
Take 1 tbsp. tablespoon dried crushed leaves of a walnut, pour 0.5 l of boiling water, stand 15 min in a water bath, then leave for slow cooling, strain and drink for 1/3-1/2 cups of the zraza in day in atherosclerosis cerebrovascular, as well as vitamins (especially vitamin c deficiency), restorative and improves metabolism means.

Very effective this infusion and for diseases of the stomach and intestines, constipation, diabetes, in mild form of thyrotoxicosis (high thyroid function), internal hemorrhages, gout, round worms.

A decoction of leaves of a walnut is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic
Take 1 tbsp. tablespoon dried shredded young leaves (or pericarp, immature fruit), pour 0.5 l of boiling water, boil for 15 min, 30 min 40-enforce, strain and drink 1/2 cup -and 3 times a day with atherosclerosis cerebrovascular, diseases of the stomach and intestines, constipation, diabetes, in mild form of thyrotoxicosis (high thyroid function), internal hemorrhages, gout, as well as a vermifuge (with round worms) vitaminnoe, (especially when gipovitaminose vitamin c), generally strengthening and improving metabolism means.

The same broth can also be used externally for poloskani diseases of the oral cavity, throat, for obmyvanij or lotions at diathesis and hair loss.

More Beefy broth (4 tbsp leaves on 0.5 liters of water) is used for obmyvanij or lotions for acne, boils, plohozaživaûŝih ulcers and wounds.

Tincture Elecampane is an old folk remedy for arteriosclerosis
Take 30 g of dry crushed roots of Elecampane, pour 300 ml of vodka and infuse in a dark place 40 days. Take 30-40 drops in a small amount of water for 15-20 minutes before eating in cattle.

Inula with propolis-multilateral and effective means
Cook the first tincture Elecampane: take 20 grams of dry crushed root devasila, pour in a dark bottle 100 ml of alcohol, insist 20 days in a dark place, drain, mix half-and-half with 20% alcohol propolis tincture and take 25-30 drops 2-3 times a day in atherosclerosis.

The drug is effective also at pulmonary and gastro-intestinal diseases.

Birch juice and atherosclerosis
Drink 1 glass of birch juice for 30 minutes before a meal, within 4-6 weeks. After a 2-week break the course is repeated.

Birch juice cleanses the blood of cholesterol, uric acid and other harmful substances, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Protivosklerotičeskij tea with honey
Epilobium angustifolium, leaves with flowers Hypericum perforatum, 50.0 grass with flowers 20.0 Motherwort five blades, grass, White Birch leaves 15.0 15.0

1 art. Spoon mixture pour into Kettle 300 ml kipatka insist 20 minutes, and drink with honey as a tea in atherosclerosis, as well as for its prevention.

Horsetail tincture and atherosclerosis
2-3 tbsp. tablespoons chopped dry grass field cysteine pour in a thermos 0.5 l abrupt boiled water, infuse 1-2 hours, strain and drink half a glass of 3-4 times a day for half an hour before a meal in cattle.

Flaxseed oil and atherosclerosis
Take 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp. flaxseed oil 2 times a day during meals for 1-1, 5 months as a protivosklerotičeskoe tool. Through 2-4 week course of treatment can be repeated.

Onions with honey against atherosclerosis
Mix fresh onion juice with honey bees in equal quantities and take 1 tbsp. teaspoonful 2-3 times a day in atherosclerosis.

Dandelion and cholesterol
Fresh dandelion leaves and powder of the roots significantly lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Powder is 1/3 teaspoon 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

Young dandelion leaves can be added to salads. They are gentle, contain a lot of vitamins, microelements, organic acids and other substances. Such salads not only will have anti-sclerotic effect, they will greatly help with anemia, liver disease, digestive tract, the skin, the salt deposits in the joints.

Apples and cholesterol
Eating apples reduces fat absorption by the body, promotes the excretion of excess cholesterol.

The only body that promotes the excretion of cholesterol from the body is the liver. Over it is secreted in the bile. Bile salts dissolve cholesterol. However, this ability is limited, and if it turns out a lot of cholesterol, it precipitates to form gallstones. Apples the same increase bile's ability to dissolve cholesterol.

Special studies have shown that among those who regularly consume by eating apples, more than half had a cholesterol level at 10% lower than those who ate no apples. Even if every day eat only 2-3 apples, you can significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood (the therapeutic effect is due not only to the high content of pectin substances, but also by the presence of vitamin c, trace elements and other substances which reinforce each other's action).

Apples also may favorably affect the ratio of various fatty acids circulating in the body. And if a person uses a lot of fatty foods and sugars, the inclusion in the diet of apples, unloading Apple days will prevent excessive absorption of fat by the body. The English say: "an Apple a day — and the doctor does not need". A certain proportion of truth in these words indisputably is.

Honey and heart disease
Use honey to 1 tbsp. teaspoonful 2-3 times a day in cardiovascular diseases (breeding it in water or eat with fruit).

Honey beneficial effect on the heart muscle, heart vessels enhances and improves blood circulation.

Erysimum and heart failure
Take 1 g dry crushed herbs erychroside grey, pour 150 ml of boiling water, stand on the boiling water bath for 15 min, insist half an hour-hour nightmare, and drink 1 tbsp. Spoon 3-4 times a day with heart failure.

The plant is poisonous, so an infusion to use it only on doctor's prescription.

Erysimum grey tones the heart, calms and diuretic.

Decoction of shutters string bean and cardiovascular diseases
Prepare a decoction of shutters at a ratio of 1:10 beans and drink it on half a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals with heart weakness, accompanied by swelling, violations of heart rhythm, arteriosclerosis and hypertension.

Decoction of shutters of beans has diuretic property. It contains many mineral salts (dominated by potassium, phosphorus, calcium), necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Dried apricots and heart and kidney disease
Eat on a daily basis on 100-150 g of dried apricots (released from the bones and dried halves apricots) in cardiovascular and chronic renal diseases (e.g., hypertension, swelling, violations of heart rhythm, infarct myocardium and etc.), as well as in all other cases, when the needed food that contains a limited amount of sodium and high-potassium.

Calendula and cardiovascular disease
Prepare infusion Calendula officinalis. Why take 2 tbsp. teaspoons dry crushed flowers Calendula officinalis, pour them in a thermos 0.5 l abrupt boiled water, infuse 1-2 hours, strain and drink for 1/4-1/3 cups 2-3 times a day for violations of heart rhythm, hypertension, dizziness, predklimakteričeskih vegetative disorders, etc.

You can also use the alcohol tincture of Calendula. Its dosage can be 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. Course dose is 3-4 weeks.

Decoction of nasturtiums and cardiovascular disease
Prepare a decoction of herbs and flowers of Nasturtium big ratio 1:10 and drink it on 2-3 art. Spoon 3-4 times a day, when heart disease (e.g., chronic coronary insufficiency caused by atherosclerosis, etc.) and hypertension.

Broth nasturtiums strengthens heart, increases blood flow through the coronary arteries, improves health b ness of angina, etc.

Digitalis and heart
Prepare herbal potion from leaves of Digitalis purpurea at the rate of 0.5-1 g/180 ml of water and 1 tbsp. Spoon 3-4 times a day with chronic heart failure 2-3 degree, valve lesions of the heart, atrial fibrillation and other cardiac activity, as well as when it is easing after a serious infectious diseases.

You can use a powder from leaves of the Foxglove (appoint him adult for 0.05-0.1 g 2-3 times a day) or Digitalis extract dry (comes in pills 0.05 g is assigned to 1 tablet 2 times a day).

Under the influence of Digitalis increases urine, swelling disappear, dyspnea, urežaetsâ pulse, improves the general condition of patients. However, remember that its drugs accumulate in the body to cause poisoning, especially when disturbed liver function. So, in the treatment of digitoksinom (comes in tablets and candle light) effect it continues for another 2-3 weeks after the end of the reception. Therefore, drugs naperstanki alternated with other less dangerous means, e.g., cardiac drugs erychroside. When an overdose of Digitalis-containing tools, dramatically slowing the heart rate, increased breathing, disturbed sleep, appear unpleasant feelings in the hearts and other similar symptoms. In this case it is necessary to immediately stop taking drugs naperstanki.

Cornflower and dropsy
Take 2 teaspoons dry crushed flowers cornflower blue, pour into a thermos glass kipatka insist hour, strain and drink for 1/4-1/3 cup 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals at a dropsy, edemas.

Lemon juice, garlic and honey is a folk remedy for angina pectoris
On 1 l of 10 lemons and honey-5 heads of garlic. Squeeze of lemon juice. Peel the garlic, wash and mince. All the components of the mix, pour in a glass jar, close the lid and put to infuse in a cool place. After a week you can mix take 4 teaspoons 1 times a day (after receiving each spoon to break for 1 min) for 20-30 minutes before meals when strokes.

Hawthorn with motherwort is featured is a folk remedy from enokardii
Pour into a thermos 6 night calendar. Spoon with top of dried fruits, Hawthorn and crushed herbs desertsrnika, pour 1.5 litres of abrupt boiled water in the morning drain and drink 1/2-2/3 cups 3-4 times a day (infusion not sweeten) with strokes.

Clover infusion and coronary heart disease
Prepare infusion 1:10 melilot and drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day when strokes, thrombosis of the coronary vessels, as well as for their prevention.

Clover infusion improves blood flow to the heart muscle, reduces blood clotting and prevents vascular blood clots, analgesic, calming and protivospazmatičeskoe action.

Coronary heart disease (CHD)

Coronary heart disease (CHD)

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a disease that unites stenocardia, myocardial infarction and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. CHD develops due to insufficient perfusion of the coronary arteries of the heart due to the narrowing of the clearance.

Coronary heart disease is by far one of the most common diseases worldwide.

Unfortunately, doctors and patients, treatment of the disease of the century "drugs effectively. Because the pills to "dissolve" holesterinovuû patch inside the vessel of the heart. Over the years, the plaque grows, making blood flow, myocardial infarction and the prospect of becoming threatening. Requires Aortocoronary bypass surgery-extensive surgery. The excitement of close, long months of recovery, frightening word "disability".

However, do not despair. In our cardio theater there is an alternative and pills, and complex operations: high-tech cardiac sparing intervention is coronary angiography and balloon Angioplasty with stenting.

Judge for yourself: these procedures do not require anesthesia, are completely safe and easy to carry.

The very next day after the intervention you will walk, and less than a week-return to their regular employment without any restrictions.

Why does coronary heart disease?

With age along the inner lining of the coronary arteries appear deposits of fatty substances such as cholesterol. These fatty deposits called atherosclerotic plaques. Over time they grow, narrowing the lumen of the artery and impeding blood flow to the heart muscle. As a result, atherosclerotic plaques impede blood flow to the heart muscle, as us signals zagrudinnaya pain-angina. So developing coronary heart disease.
Signs of coronary heart disease

If you develop signs of coronary heart disease heart disorders — painful bouts of heart, heart rate, there are changes on the electrocardiogram.

Keep in mind that CORONARY HEART DISEASE is a disease that progresses very slowly. And it is very important to identify the disease in its early stages of development.

An important diagnostic sign of coronary heart disease is the feeling of discomfort in the chest or back, raised during the walk, a certain physical or emotional load and going after the termination of this load. The sure sign of angina is also rapid disappearance of unpleasant sensations after taking nitroglycerin (10-15 sec.).

In recent years, an increasing number of cases of sudden death in patients with lesions of the coronary arteries. The defeat of arteries, krovosnabžaûŝih heart, leads to their stenozu and obstruction; as a result, disturbed blood flow to the heart muscle.

That contributes to the development of coronary heart disease?
  • arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure more than 140/90 mmHg)
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • overweight/poor nutrition
  • smoking tobacco
  • bad heredity (for example, hypertension and myocardial infarction in relatives)
  • diabetes mellitus
  • excessive emotional stress, frequent stressful situations.

How to diagnose coronary heart disease?

For precise diagnosis requires first and foremost, contact a qualified cardiologist.

Credo experts Tyumen Cardiology Center-an individual approach to each patient.

Your doctor will carefully study the causes and progression of the disease, will prescribe the necessary research to confirm the diagnosis. Comprehensive survey can be completed without leaving the building of the Tyumen Cardiology Center.

The final stage is a diagnostic coronary angiography. This is the most accurate modern method, which allows you to determine the number and size of atherosclerotic plaques, as well as their location in the vessels of the heart.

Diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease

Rentgencontrastnam study method, which allows you to precisely determine the nature, place and degree of coronary artery narrowing is coronary angiography.
The procedure is performed (in most cases) under local anesthesia. The doctor sets the introducer (tube for catheter) into the femoral or radial artery. Through it introduces a long narrow tube-conductor catheter and promotes him to the site of the narrowing of coronary arteries. At the time of the introduction of contrast agent doctor clearly sees on the screen all the disruption of normal blood flow.
If necessary, immediately after the angiography, Dr. will hold an angioplasty to restore blood flow to the damaged vessel.
From May 31, 1988 year in Tyumen cardio Theater held over 10000 coronary angiographies. In the training of doctors, having such a great experience, there can be no doubt.

Major high-tech way to restore coronary artery is the holding of Percutaneous coronary angioplasty Balloon Translûminal′noj. you can judge the essence of this manipulation on its name:

  • Percutaneous -indicates that the introduction of the catheter into a vessel is carried out through the puncture of the skin.
  • Transluminal- means that all actions are performed through the vessels.
  • Balloon -means that the restoration of the lumen of the affected coronary artery by inflating a balloon at the site of narrowing of the vessel.
  • Coronary means that effects are subjected to coronary artery, i.e., arteries, heart krovosnabžaûŝie.
  • Angioplasty- means that the effects produced on the vessel (from the word "Angio"-a vessel).
According to the results of the year 2007 (data b. Alekâna, Moscow, 2008) Tyumen Cardiology Center became one of five leaders by the number of completed angioplastik and stentings coronary arteries among the 118 specialised clinics in Russia.

Transluminal balloon coronary angioplasty is by far the most secure method of treatment of coronary heart disease in the world.

Glossary of key terms

Cholesterol is a zhiropodobnoe substance coming into organism with food products of animal origin (fatty meat, butter, egg yolk, etc.). Cholesterol is "good", for the construction of cells and "bad". It is "bad" cholesterol is delayed over the years on the walls of blood vessels, gradually narrowing their lumen.

Coronary heart disease is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries (the blood vessels of the heart), leading to their narrowing (stenozu) and, as a consequence, ischemia (insufficient blood supply) of the heart muscle.

Angina -pain or discomfort in the chest when walking or other physical activity, coming alone or after taking nitroglycerin.

Invasive procedure- procedure, which is performed by the surgeon through the puncture or minimum cut using special equipment. In cardiology this term involve cardiac intervention not requiring a large cross-section of the chest.

A stent is a small metal tube, made of a special alloy. Unopened stent in nerazdutom container is located in the restriction of place receptacle, and then the balloon is inflated at high pressure and stent, although strengthens depressed wall receptacle and further serves as a sort of skeleton. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Causes and Symptoms of Myocardial Infarction

Causes and symptoms of myocardial infarction

What is cardiac arrest?

Myocardial infarction -a form of ischemic heart disease. With the development of disease ischemic necrosis myocardium plot, accompanied by total or partial deficiency of blood supply. Over the past 20 years, deaths from this disease among men increased by 60%. Heart attack during that time is very important.

Today heart attack from three decades no longer surprises anyone human. Women up to 50 years, the disease does not attack, although after this age milestone morbidity among women compared with the incidence in men. A person who receives cardiac disability and death among all ill is about 10-12%.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction
Those people who have suffered a heart attack, talk about it as a very serious and terrible. The main symptom of myocardial infarction is severe chest pain. Pain before the strong will of the patient is completely suppressed. In humans, there is a thought about dying. The pain is bothering continually, regardless of physical activity often extends into the shoulder and arm, neck, jaw. The pain can be not only constant but intermittent. In such a situation, it is very important to determine what happens in a timely manner, call the Emergency Brigade, preferably cardiology care, to take all necessary action in this situation. If all of this exercise, it gives a chance to survive for many months and even years.

The main thing is to identify heart attack in young people who even thought does not allow of a possible heart attack and do not represent, as far as this situation is life-threatening.

According to information provided by the American Heart Association, a large number of deaths (90% or more) of a heart attack in people young (up to 55 years) is not in the hospital.According to experts, it turns out this is due to the fact that people don't understand everything that happens to them. Young people did not give the value of pain arising in the chest, and this often causes death. Older people are very watchful refer to any pain arising in the chest area, and when the first symptoms, often not even related to coronary heart disease, call an ambulance or the treating doctor.
Medical practice shows, almost 25% of the patients heart attack occurs without specific symptoms, otherwise it is called "Mute" or "silent ischemia heart attack." However, the lack of symptoms has not said that the heart muscle is damaged. And since people don't feel a threat to their life, the prognosis for his life is negative.

Signs of myocardial infarction
In addition to pain in the sternum, heart attack manifests these symptoms:
  • frequent faltering breath;
  • neritmičeskoe increased heartbeat;
  • our weak pulse in the extremities;
  • fainting (sinkope) or loss of consciousness;
  • a feeling of weakness, sometimes quite pronounced;
  • cold, clammy, hot sweat;
  • nausea and sometimes vomiting;
  • pallor of the face.

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Symptoms of myocardial infarction in women
A heart attack in women differs from the attack of male. Women have pain during the attack is localized in the upper abdomen, back, neck, jaw. It happens that a heart attack is very similar to heartburn. Very often women first appears weakness, nausea, only then there is pain. This heart attack and sometimes underestimated, completely ignored that and is fatal.

While all of these symptoms and signs give the opportunity to learn a heart attack at the time, but similar symptoms or combinations thereof are found in other diseases. You should still consider that a heart attack is the most deadly, so first of all it is necessary to call neotložku in order to save lives and not to regret after that had not done so immediately. In the article about strokes pays particular attention to what people can help moving before arrival. To do this, you can put under your tongue normal (500 mg) aspirin. Also helps nitroglycerin tablet, but to use it you need to be sure that your blood pressure is not low. As soon as the ambulance arrives, the remnants of pills should be rinsed off with water.

Causes myocardial infarction
Very often, more precisely in 95% of cases, the cause of myocardial infarction is coronary artery thrombosis in the field of atherosclerotic plaque. As soon as the atherosclerotic plaque rupture occurs, its erosion (ulcer formation on the surface of platelets) or crack the inner lining of the vessel beneath the lesion nalipaût platelets and other blood cells. Formed "trombocitarnaâ Cork.
Next, it becomes more dense, growing in size, eventually completely overlaps the lumen of the artery. This phenomenon is called occlusion. With artery fed oxygen to the heart muscle cells, and reserve this oxygen is enough for approximately 10 seconds, and then another 30 minutes of heart muscle remains viable. Next comes a number of irreversible changes of cardiac muscle, at the end of the third to the sixth hour of the beginning of the occlusion of the heart muscle dies on this site.

Risk factors
Among the risk factors that contribute to the development of myocardial infarction, doctors distinguish precisely these:
  1. existence in coronary artery unstable, fragile and prone to breakage atherosclerotic plaques;
  2. chronic kidney disease in a patient with a lesion clubockov (vascular Neoplasms of the kidney responsible for filtering the blood and urine of primary education). Typically, such patients have moderate or severe secondary arterial hypertension, it is difficult and expensive medical treatment. Strong high pressure reveals the process of stretching and thickening of the heart muscle of the left ventricle. Changing the geometry due to arterial hypertension in people with light and srednetâžëloj renal insufficiency increases the risk of heart attacks and greatly reduces the survival rate after attack (2002 data);
  3. if the parents of the patient heart attacks occurred up to 60 years, then this increases the risk of development of different forms of coronary heart disease at a young age. As shown by recent studies in patients (aged about 19 years!) whose parents have previously suffered heart attacks, coronary vessel wall thickness and their throughput is much worse than it should be at this age.

This and confirms the hypothesis that coronary heart disease is inherited. It is for this reason that people whose relatives died of a heart attack at a young age, should follow a healthy lifestyle, systematically influencing modifiable (available change or elimination) risk factors (see the article about strokes).

Causes of Heart Attack in Women

Causes of heart attack in women

Nowadays, cases of heart attacks in women. Statistics confirm that women after sixty years are most prone to heart disease. Moreover, other diseases, even such terrible as cancer, die 40% women and heart attack 60% of women after the age of 60.

Women begin to suffer cardiac ailments later in 10-15 years than men, but by sixty years in heart attack risk is equal to the male. And in some cases exceed this risk, for example, when women have heart problems already exist. More prone to heart disease, women who are overweight, as load weight, first and foremost, goes to the heart.

Imminent causes a heart attack:
  • with the execution of a woman 55 years old
  • After the operation on the ovaries, removing them
  • Period after menopause
  • Hereditary factors. In the case of a heart attack before age 60 parents or brothers and sisters the risk increases significantly.

Causes of heart attack that can be avoided:
  • Smoking and birth control pills. The systematic consumption of them can cause a heart attack and a woman under forty years of age.
  • Cholesterol. The high content of it in the blood can lead to a heart attack. You should check your cholesterol all women older than 25 years, cholesterol should not exceed 180-200 mg.
  • A sedentary lifestyle and obesity-the main cause of early heart attacks. You need to exercise regularly and eat right.
  • High blood pressure and hypertension cause heart disease. Pressure 140/100 and above can cause a heart attack, so pressure should be checked regularly, undergo a course of treatment and use necessary drugs.
  • Diabetes. Women suffering from diabetes, the risk of heart attack rises to five times.The fact of the matter is that diabetes is a disease that is characterized by the metabolism of glucose, increases the risk of cardio-vascular diseases.
  • Pregnancy. Complications of pregnancy such as hypertension, diabetes, low birth weight baby increases the risk of cardio-vascular diseases in women.
  • Post climacteric Syndrome. Can be diagnosed if there are post menopausal period in women obesity, high cholesterol, High triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, high content of glucose. For the control of metabolic processes in the body women must follow a special diet, exercise.
  • Inflammatory p dimming in blood vessels, leading to a rupture of the coronary artery. The inflammation causes increased reactive protein which occurs more commonly in women than in men, its root causes are not yet well understood.
  • Hypothyroidism. This common female problem can cause heart disease and as a result of attacks.

Heart disease
Heart disease: heart failure, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease.

Heart failure occurs when the impossibility of the heart to pump blood throughout the body. As a result of which appears short of breath, swollen feet, ankles, there is increased fatigue and lethargy. This is the first appearance of symptoms of heart failure.

Fibrillation is characterized by changes in the cardiac cycle that lead to fatigue, breathlessness, dizziness, pain in the chest. When coronary artery disease these arteries to constrict and thicken, resulting in bad blood enters the heart, there is pain in the chest, stenakordiâ, all this leads to a heart attack.

The first signs of heart attack
Signs of heart attack everyone merely induvidual′ny but still get acquainted with n which of them are worth. Characteristics can be described as pain in the chest, left arm. The pain may be sharp and illdefined, can last for hours with anticipation, but could bother two or three times a day for a few minutes.

When strokes a woman suffers painful sensation when touches the back, shoulders, hands and jaws, and here there is no pain in the chest. Dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness-symptoms of heart disease, if they need to see a doctor.Women who have had a heart attack or an attack of gastric nesvareniem, suffer periodic shortness of breath and excessive fatigue, nausea, chest pain they are rare.

Life after a heart attack
Unfortunately, the mortality rate of women undergoing a heart attack is higher than among men. In most cases, women as opposed to men do not lead up to State attacks or a heart attack, as are more carefully to their health than men.
But all the same in the case of postponing the attack the woman should be monitored periodically by a specialist, to lead a healthy lifestyle, not worry over nothing, only to surround themselves with pleasant people, so as not to provoke the attack.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Diet for Hearts. Useful Products

Diet for Hearts. Useful Products

Prevention and treatment of all diseases of the cardiovascular system in many respects depends on nutrition, diet. You can eat and tasty and useful and does not harm the heart.
Most importantly do not overeat. Abundant food makes the cardiovascular system work with congestion, and plenty of food, overflowing the stomach moves the diaphragm, making the job of the heart muscle.

Not peresalivat′! Eating better nedosolit′, and if it is tasteless without salt, you can improve the flavor, adding parsley, dill, cinnamon or citric acid.

Exclude food and drinks excitingly acting on central nervous system: strong tea, coffee, chocolate, cacao, spicy seasonings. Caution with garlic, you can eat quite a bit of or after heat treatment.
Less cholesterol-rich products: butter, beef and pork fat. But completely abandon fats: fats, many involved in the synthesis of hormones.

Useful trace elements for the heart: potassium, magnesium and iodine.
Eat foods containing potassium potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin. They help the work of the heart muscles and remove the excess fluid from the body, reduces swelling. Especially a lot of potassium in apricots, prunes, raisins, dried apricots contain fruit trees. It's just a fount of useful items.
Magnesium salts are useful for the prevention of vascular spasms, as have sosudorasshiratmi properties. Many salts of magnesium in wheat and rye bread with bran, porridge: oatmeal, wheat, rye, barley and buckwheat. As well as the beet, carrots, salad, fresh Greens, redcurrant, almonds and walnuts.

Products useful for the heart
Over time our heart can no longer work as well as before. Over time, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to endure all sorts of loads on the body. To adjust the tone of the heart muscle, it should be as often as you eat those foods which contain large amounts of potassium or magnesium.

Contribute to a better functioning of the heart
  • Grapefruit. Grapefruit is very useful for keeping your heart in good shape. Try to eat at least three-four fruit per week, preferably in the morning. Grapefruit contributes to the quality of work of your heart, as well as prevents atherosclerosis.
  • Apples. Apples are very rich in potassium, so their use significantly reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Thanks to contained in apples potassium improves the function of the heart, and with pektinovym fibres reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. If you suffer from problems with heart, very useful from time to time arrange themselves fasting days on apples. It is also very useful for pressure.
  • Linseed oil. Flaxseed oil is an excellent tool in the fight against diseases of the heart and blood vessels. After repeated intake significantly reduced the risk of blood clots, and this, in turn, protects against the occurrence of heart attacks. Flaxseed oil besides lowers the level of cholesterol.
  • Bunting. Oatmeal is an excellent remedy against atherosclerosis, as well as coronary artery disease. It is a huge amount of useful for the body with Omega-3 acids and potassium. In collaboration with fiber these acids contribute to the maintenance of blood vessels in excellent condition. It's worth noting that it is advisable to consume wholemeal cereals because they are more useful for the organism.
  • Beans and beans. These products are a rich source of protein, kltčatki, iron and folic acid, so the beans and beans are indispensable means for our heart. In beans is several kinds of flavonoids are special substances which are excellent prevention of hypertension. Red beans and lentils contain large amounts of potassium, so useful for the normal work of the heart.
  • Mushrooms. In mushrooms is èrgotianin is a special substance that neutralize free radicals, which appear not only heart disease but also high risk of cancer. Thanks to mushrooms, normalizes cholesterol level in the blood, and also stimulates the immune system. It should be noted that mushrooms are able to preserve their useful properties, even when cooked.
  • Walnuts protects blood vessels and the heart from bad cholesterol.
  • Products in which a lot of iodine: fish, squid, shrimp, seaweed.
Also with heart ailments it is advisable not to gain weight. The more excess weight, the higher the load on the heart and blood vessels. For weight loss it is useful once a week to carry out operations day for vegetables. Oranges and tangerines are rich in natural sugars and minerals improve metabolism.

Useful BREW tea Melissa, camomile chemist's, shoots and leaves of blueberries. To strengthen the heart muscles dissolve in water a tablespoon of honey, pour in a cup of a teaspoon of lemon juice, drink drink every morning. For the heart is useful vitamin e, it's a lot of vegetables, pulses, vegetable oil, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • To keep the heart healthy, it is necessary to monitor cholesterol and maintain its normal.
  • Control your blood pressure. 
  • Comply with food for the heart, providing proper nutrition.
  • Try to control your emotions, avoid stress. 
  • Check your pulse: press your fingers on your wrist artery radiotherapy on hand, from its inception. Count the number of beats per minute. In adults, this figure is 60 -90 BPM. After 50 years of heart rate decreases to 50-65 beats per minute. And that's during physical activity increases heart rate.

Food in Cardiovascular Diseases

Food in Cardiovascular Diseases

The heart is a unique muscular body, weighing only 250-300 grams, it is doing a great job. But the most powerful engine sometimes goes down. The human heart is a pump supplying blood all organs and muscles, affecting their work. So as soon as possible take care of prevention. The majority of cardiovascular diseases begin with improper lifestyle, eating disorders-is a gradual clogging of the arteries. The walls of arteries thicken resulting in accumulation of fats, particularly cholesterol, atherosclerosis begins and other cardiovascular diseases.

They develop over time, gradually weakens more atherosclerosis heart blood supply and depriving it of oxygen and nutrients. Previously it was thought that cardiovascular disease affected mostly men, but recently there is a growing increase in the number of diseases among women, because major risk factors today are inherent to both men and women. This poor diet, obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse (the exception is small doses of dry wine, useful for vessels), stress, hypertension, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle. In addition to age, hormones which protect women against atherosclerosis lose their protection and with the onset of menopause, the risk of heart attacks in women increases. Unfortunately, while we are healthy we rarely care about the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and the heart of a very reliable and durable body. If its support useful nutrients, don't abuse alcohol and nicotine, not drive themselves mad rhythm of work, then it will serve you faithfully for many years. American cardiologist p. White said that "heart disease up to 80 years-not divine punishment, but the consequence of our own mistakes."

General tips on nutrition in cardiovascular diseases 
  • Eat more fish. Fish oil improves the work of the heart. Eskimos, regularly eating fish rarely suffer heart failure. 
  • Reduce your consumption of meat. Select only lean meats. Avoid fatty meats, animal fats replace vegetable oil. 
  • Foods such as beans, beans, oat bran, eggplants, herbs, peas, baked potatoes, figs, prunes are capable to bind cholesterol, thanks to its content of plant fiber. Especially useful for dried fruits. 
  • Milk and dairy products with lots of fat (butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese) replace with a similar and even fat-free products. Milk and dairy products, eat low fat, give preference to sour milk products with low fat milk. 
  • Do not take salted food. Salt (sodium chloride) harmful for blood vessels, like all products with high content of sodium. 
  • And here is the potassium include in the diet. The more you eat foods rich in potassium, the less the risk of hypertension. Potassium-rich products primarily include: grapes, bananas, milk, broccoli, baked potatoes, Kiwi fruit, citrus, these products will help to support the pressure is normal.
  • Limit the consumption of flour and sweet. 
  • Do not drink Gin and tonics, lotions. Preference give good red dry wine. 
  • Avoid animal products rich in cholesterol. Such products include butter, egg yolks, sour cream, cheese, liver, kidneys, brains, caviar. Do not eat more than 10 g of butter a day. Butter is rich in vitamins of Group b, and lipoidami, which are required by the body in a period of growth and development. After 25 years, the body does not need butter. 
  • Include in the diet of more fruits and vegetables. Vegetative cellulose creates favourable conditions for the promotion of food on the gastro-intestinal tract. Fiber normalizes intestines microflora contributes, as pectin found the body of "bad" cholesterol. In addition, fiber quickly creates a feeling of saturation and slightly reduces appetite. 
  • For salads and cooking fats, such as nenesyŝennye, use vegetable (olive) oil. You need vitamins such as a, pp, c and e, their many vitamin complexes based on yeast. 
  • If you have excess weight-try to lose weight. As practice shows disease is lighter in weight loss. Hold your weight on the standards level 20-25 years of age. 
  • If smoke-throw. 
  • Try not to bring themselves to exhaustion, often relax. From physical exertion are helpful in walking outdoors 2 times a day. 
  • Avoid constipation. Supervise the intestines. With a lack of fiber in the diet food slowly moves through the path, runs along the fecal mass to accumulate in the colon and constipation occurs. Demand for tissue easily is provided by bread, wholemeal, vegetables and fruits. Pectin is also not digested, but more than fiber helps lower cholesterol in the blood and removal of bile acids. Pectin many in beet and black currants do, apples and fresh plum.

Cause of cardiovascular diseases is partial coronary atherosclerosis, in which on the inner wall of the vessel occurs little by little an atherosclerotic plaque. The reason for her appearance serves as a breach of lipid Exchange, when deteriorating absorption of fats, fat droplets settle on the walls of blood vessels. Gradually the vessels lose their elasticity, their gleam is narrowed. Atherosclerosis of the heart leading to circulatory failure and deterioration of the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. All this can lead to angina, heart pain, heart attacks.

For the prevention of heart disease prevention and nutrition plays an important role. Studies in 80% of cases of cardiovascular diseases caused by malnutrition and bad habits, and only 20% are caused by other factors.

Pay attention to what fat you ingest. The lower the use of animal fats in the country, the lower the level of heart disease there. Those who suffer from cardiovascular disease should avoid excessively oily foods, but don't abandon fat digestion cannot require it. There is a difference between the different types of fats and their effect on cholesterol levels. The "bad" fats is fats and animal fats and oils all past industrial processing. They are not completely processed in the body. The remains of such fats going in clumps and deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The "bad" fats overload digestive organs, especially the liver and pancreas. Sources of "bad" fats are fatty meat, dairy products, products of fast food, greasy cheese. Essential fatty acids contained in vegetable oils help to digest all the fat in the body. We receive them only from food. Each vegetable oil its range of useful properties, and change the oil from time to time.

Tips from Bragg to prevent heart disease. 
  • Do not drink or smoke. Sleep enough time. 
  • Do not allow anyone to exert no pressure on you. 
  • Don't overeat, eat only useful, healthy meal. 
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  •  Engage in regular physical exercise. 
  • Not to engage in discussions and disputes with unpleasant people. 
  • Avoid stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tea. A lot of walking. Try to breathe deeply. 
  • Eat lean meats-not more than 2-3 times a week. There are unsaturated vegetable proteins-soy, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts. 
  • Exclude from the diet of salt. 
  • Do not consume dairy products.
  • Limit the consumption of eggs up to 2-3 eggs per week. Fruit and vegetables should make up to 50% of your diet. Do not use sugar substitutes. If possible, replace sugar with honey.
  • Fasting once a week during the 12:00 am. Observing the simple rules you lower your risk of heart disease.

Vintage recipes at illnesses of the heart 
  • When you see the pain in the heart and in the absence of nitroglycerin on hand you can swallow a whole small peeled garlic clove, this will reduce the risk of heart attack. 
  • For the best work of the heart can be regularly drink tinctures from leaves of a nettle, rosehip, ash, Hawthorn, Viburnum. You can also make a tincture of walnut, Birch earrings, pastushyei bags. (20 drops). 
  • To restore the cardiovascular system can take 5 tablespoons of any young needles, grind, pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes. Push 6-8:00, strain and drink on a half-glass 4-5 times a day. 
  • To prevent the development of atherosclerosis drink regularly radish juice with honey, as well as the juice from the leaves of white cabbage. A bowl of apples, pieces they contain pectin, which is able to remove excess cholesterol from the body. When atherosclerosis useful products such as beetroot, garlic, black currants, cranberries, onion, horseradish, sea kale, mustard, radish and celery. 
  • If breathlessness mix 200 ml of olive oil and wheat vodka. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. 
  • In Angina and breathlessness take garlic with honey. Mince 10 lemons, squeeze the juice and add 5 chopped heads of garlic and one liter of honey. Insist in a cool place for one week. Take for a month to 4 tablespoons. 
  • Hypertension helps beet juice with honey, fresh strawberries, blackcurrants, baked potatoes with the Peel, Kombucha, infusion zveroboja, mince lemon or orange peel, you can add sugar. 
  • To reduce pressure, moisten a gauze cider vinegar, attach to the foot for 5-10 minutes.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Symptoms of Heart Attack. First Aid for Heart Attack

Symptoms of heart attack. First aid for heart attack

Device KardiRu will allow you to monitor your heart and not to ustit′ heart attack. You do research and through 30 seconds get automatic conclusion about the State of his heart. Optionally, you can send a study on control of a physician. You will see variation in your heart at an early stage and can promptly see a doctor without a heart attack.

The device can be purchased right now for 20 400 rubles with delivery across Russia by clicking the buy button.

Heart attack -heavy pathological condition caused by acute emerging downside of blood supply of the heart muscle (associated with occlusion of the blood clot and/or spasms, usually in the area of atherosclerotic plaque artery feeding the heart), as well as the development of ischemia and necrosis (die-off) the plot of this muscle.

Necrosis of cardiac muscle is myocardial infarction. In the first hour of the beginning of attack can occur so-called sudden cardiac or coronary death.

At present, about one third of heart attacks occurring in persons residing in Europe, fatal. And it's not so little, because the number of heart attacks hundreds of thousands of cases a year and is a leading cause of death for the population of the civilized countries.

Most often, death from heart attack occurs within the first two hours and involves the inability of the heart to maintain normal blood circulation in the body. If after a heart attack man remained alive, every day, with frustration from this attack underwent incident, chances of recovery are increasing.

The risk of heart attack is that people usually do not give due attention to the emerging pain and other symptoms typical for heart attack, that is the main mistake, leading to irreversible pathology and to death.

It is therefore necessary to know the basic heart attack symptomsthat may indicate amok.
One of the most common symptoms of a heart attack is prolonged pain localized in the chest. The patient feeling unpleasant pressure in rib cage, sometimes feeling of heartburn.

Pain may occur in the left half of the body: in the hand to the forearm, shoulder blade, the left half of the neck. Also may cause pain in the hands, in the lower jaw, shoulders, in the upper abdomen. Pain in this long and may be pressing, cutting, aching and burning in nature.

Characteristic symptom, pointing to the heart attack, serves as a shortness of breath, even with minimal activity, as well as at rest. This is due to the fact that the heart receives less than the required amount of blood for its normal functioning. In addition, a person can feel weakness, heart palpitations. He may be sweating.

Attention should be drawn to the work of the heart and, if there is fatigue. If this feeling of tiredness does not pass over several days, weeks or even months. Accompany a heart attack can stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Most often, these symptoms are not associated with heart disease, but you should pay attention to them if they occur in conditions of normal nutrition and are not associated with poor food intake.
Sometimes a temporary loss of consciousness.

A heart attack can be preceded by increased heart rate, manifested in the form of a rapid and irregular heart rate.

The precursors of heart attack can be such a condition like anxiety, discomfort, insomnia.

However, chest pain are not always symptoms of heart attack, since they are characteristic also for finger neuralgia. In order to accurately identify the disease, there are several things to notice:

Conditions that cause pain. Pain, heart disease, usually associated with any load (physical or mental). While neuralgia pain can occur when there is a sharp bend of the trunk or no reason.
Terms of the pain. Pain runs amok when taking nitroglycerin in a few minutes, while from neuralgia the drug ineffective.
Nature of pain. When cardiac pathology pain feeling, cutting, stabbing, aching. Neuralgia-pristupoobraznaya, stabbing belting nature; increases with the movements of the body during coughing, sneezing and deep vdohah.

In addition to symptoms like lumbago, finger has a number of other diseases.
In the case of nausea and stomach pain a heart attack can be confused with food poisoning, its stomach ulcer and acute cholecystitis.

When the right-hand pain the heart pathology is similar to symptoms of pneumonia or Pleurisy. In contrast to these diseases, heart attack almost always is accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, falling blood pressure, shortness of breath.

Symptoms of heart attack is similar and acute pericarditis. The hallmark of pericarditis are noise in the chest that tapped stethoscope. When pericardite pain appears together with fever, increased ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE and Leukocytosis. Same pain subside in a sitting position.

Heart attack symptoms are similar to shingles. To distinguish this disease from the pathology of the heart, you must explore the places where there is pain. When in the area Zoster pain manifested bubbles on a course of mežrebernogo nerve. TBC diagnosis and lack of changes in the work of the heart by using ECG.

In determining the nature of the pathological process plays a key role and identification of cardiac enzymes in the blood.

The use of KARDIOVIZORA increases detection of abnormalities that lead to heart attack, with 20 (when removing the normal ECG) to 80 per cent (using KARDIOVIZORA).

Classic electrocardiography has a number of drawbacks such as low sensitivity and specificity in relation to some pathological processes in the heart. One of the ways to address the shortcomings of the classical method of research work the heart is dispersion mapping heart signals, which is implemented by the device "CARDIOVISOR". If you use a classical ECG examines teeth, while the modern method of dispersion mapping aims to analyze nizkoamplitudnyh vibrations, which can judge of impending myocardial pathologies long before changes in zubcah. Therefore, using the modern method, you can obtain information about the impending disease at earlier stages.

By becoming a customer of Kardi.Ru, anyone can monitor their health, getting information about the State of heart, not leaving the House. The great advantage of this service is that a person has important information about the condition of his heart, and in the case of threat of heart disease much earlier than when using the standard electrocardiography, learns about the need to see a doctor.

As is known, after a heart attack very often n experiencing relapse. Therefore, a continuous monitoring of patients. Using the service Kardi.Ru, the person gets the opportunity to follow the work of the heart survey yourself at home. And this, of course, makes it possible to monitor the early stages of relapse and on time to see a doctor.

The great advantage of using Kardi.Ru is to preserve the history of all surveys and monitoring changes of heart. In case of any abnormalities immediately alerted people that allows not only to prevent him getting irreversible processes, but very often save his invaluable life. Thanks to Kardi.Ru man gets an opportunity to be always aware of its main organ, the heart.
How to be, if symptoms of heart attack?

The main thing to remember in case of heart attack, is that the longer medical care, the greater the likelihood of damage to the heart muscle. So when symptoms you should call an ambulance.

In addition:

  • The patient should be seated in a chair with armrests or lay in bed with her headboard.
  • Give the patient 0, 25 g of aspirin (pill to chew and swallow) and 0.5 mg nitroglycerin (put under the tongue and don't swallow).
  • To provide fresh air.

You should carefully monitor the condition of the patient. If the pain is gone, then you just need to provide the person calm. If after taking nitroglycerin appeared weakness, shortness of breath and sweating, then the patient must lift the legs, to give the drink a glass of water, and nitroglycerin are no longer giving.
However, if symptoms of heart attack survived (approximately 5-7 minutes after the first medication), you must give a second tablet of nitroglycerin (0, 5gr).

If you still have pain after the second medication, must be given nitroglycerin and the third time.
Using CARDIOVISOR and service Kardi.Ru, ECG can be removed before the arrival of the doctor to get a preliminary assessment of the evolving pathology.

If before the arrival of the doctor the patient lost consciousness, it is necessary, first, to check breathing, heartbeat and pulse. Further, if the listening heart, but man is not breathing, start doing reproductive respiration "mouth to mouth". The head of the victim should be kept back-thrown back to its language not covered him throat. If cardiac arrest occurred must begin to do heart massage. It requires alternating with isckustvennym breath-at 15 pressing on the chest to produce 3 artificial breath.

On arrival, the doctors need to show him all the drugs that were given to the patient, as well as specify the drugs that cause a patient allergies and are intolerant to the patient. Greatly facilitate the work of the doctor will be able to phase out regular ECG monitoring, which the doctor will be able to navigate in the development of disease.

We should not forget that the late appeal to a doctor can cost lives.

Development Mechanism and Symptoms

Development mechanism and symptoms

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a disease that develops when insufficient flow of oxygen to the heart muscle on the coronary arteries. The most common cause is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries with plaque formation and narrowing the clearance. May be acute and chronic (long-term). Manifestations of CHD can be: stenocardia, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia of the heart, as well as sudden cardiac death.

The prevalence of
In developed countries, ischemic heart disease was the most frequent cause of death and disability — at its accounts for about 30 per cent of deaths. She is far ahead of other diseases as the cause of sudden death and meets every third women and half of men. This difference is due to the fact that female sex hormones are a means of protection from atherosclerotic vessels. Due to changes in hormonal levels during menopause the likelihood of heart attack in women after menopause are considerably on increasing.

Depending on how oxygen deprivation expressed heart, how long it lasts, and how quickly, distinguish several forms of ischemic heart disease.
  • Asymptomatic, or "dumb" form of IBS-causes no complaints on the part of the patient.
  • Angina-chronic form manifesting shortness of breath and pain in the sternum during physical exertion and stressunder the action of some other factors.
  • Unstable angina-any attack of angina, significantly surpassing the prior or with new symptoms. Such increasing attacks showed a deterioration of disease and may be harbingers of a myocardial infarction.
  • Form Aritmičeskaâ-manifest violations of heart rhythm, most commonly atrial fibrillation. Occurs acutely and can go into a chronic.
  • Myocardial infarction-acute form, plot the demise of the heart muscle, most often called margin plaque from the wall of a coronary artery or a blood clot and complete occlusion of its lumen.
  • Sudden cardiac deathis cardiac arrest, in most cases, caused by sharp decrease in delivered to him the blood as a result of full blockage of large arteries.

These forms can be combined and overlap one another. For example, strokes often joins the arrhythmia, and then a heart attack.

Causes and mechanism of development
Despite the fact that the heart pumps blood in the body, it needs a blood supply. The heart muscle (myocardium) gets blood on two arteries, which depart from the root of the aorta and are called coronary (because they Flex the heart as though Crown). These arteries are divided into several smaller branches, each of which nourishes its section of the heart.

More of the arteries that bring blood to the heart, no. Therefore, when narrowing the lumen or blockage of one of them, the plot lacks the heart muscle of oxygen and nutrients, develops the disease.

The main cause of IBS is now considered atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries with deposition of cholesterin plaques in them and the narrowing of the lumen of arteries (coronary disease). As a result, blood may not be sufficient flow to the heart.

Initially, the lack of oxygen is manifested only during high loads, for example when running or fast walking. Appearing with this pain in the sternum are called strokes voltage. As narrowing the lumen of the coronary arteries and the deterioration of the metabolism of heart muscle pain begin to appear in all lower stress, and eventually alone.

Simultaneously with exertional angina can develop chronic heart failure, swelling and shortness of breath.

The sudden rupture of plaques can be full overlap lumen of the artery, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest and death. The degree of affection of cardiac muscle with this depends on what artery or branch obstruction has occurred-the bigger the artery, the worse the consequences.

To developed myocardial infarction, the lumen of the artery should be reduced to not less than 75%. The slower and postepennee this happens, the heart is easier to adapt. Sudden blockage in the most dangerous and often leads to death.

Depending on the form of the disease:
  • Asymptomatic form -manifestation of the disease is not detected during the examination only.
  • Angina -pain in the sternum oppressive character (as if put a brick), in the left arm, neck. Shortness of breath when walking, climbing stairs.
  • Aritmičeskaâ form -shortness of breath, palpitations, disruption of the heart.
  • Myocardial infarction is severe pain in the sternum resembling stroke, but more intense and not removable by normal means.

Current and forecast
For ischemic heart disease, irreversible. This means that there are no tools that completely izlečivaûŝih it. All current treatments allow, to a greater or lesser extent, to monitor the progress of the disease and slow down its development, but the turn they cannot reverse.

The defeat of the heart goes continuously and concurrently with other organs: kidneys, brain, pancreas. This process is called "cardiovascular continuum, it includes diseases such as ischemic heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, atrial fibrillation, metabolic syndrome, and others. All these diseases are interrelated and arise from common causes.

Briefly the main stages of the cardiovascular continuum can be described that way.
  • Asymptomatic stage-risk factors have a negative effect, in cardiac vessels appear deposits of cholesterol, but their lumen is still quite wide.
  • The appearance of the first harbingers of- high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol. At this stage of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels expand and may close before the 50% clearance. In the heart muscle begins remodeling processes, that is, changes in its structure, which lead to heart failure.
  • The emergence and increase of symptoms-dizziness, disruption of the heart, pain in the sternum. The ULTRASOUND of the heart at this point becomes visible extension of the cavities of the heart, thinning of the heart muscle. The lumen of arteries narrowed even more.
  • The final stage is the emergence of congestive heart failure, the sharp deterioration of the heart, the appearance of edema, pulmonary standstill, sharply increasing pressure, atrial fibrillation. Pain in the sternum at the slightest exertion or even at rest.

For any of these stages, but usually on third or fourth, can happen myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac arrest. Infa CT did not necessarily lead to death but after ischemic always speeds up its course.