Monday, January 28, 2019

6 Foods Cause High Cholesterol

Eating fried foods or made from dairy products is often a choice for many people today. Unfortunately the choice of food has high levels of saturated fat and trans fat which can increase cholesterol and have a harmful effect on heart health.

However, keep in mind that the body needs cholesterol to produce hormones, vitamin D, and various substances that can help digestion. However, if consuming foods that are able to increase cholesterol levels in excess will have a harmful effect on the body.

Quoted from various sources following some foods that can increase cholesterol levels in the body.

1. Heart

High levels of cholesterol in animals are located in organs. Although it is rich in iron content, the liver is the main source of cholesterol because it is the place for making and storing cholesterol in the body.

2. Red meat

Red meat from cows, sheep and pigs tends to contain more cholesterol than saturated fat. Besides being able to increase cholesterol, red meat can also aggravate the condition of heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends salmon, beans, and uncooked chicken as a better substitute.

3. Fried Chicken

Chicken can be a substitute for red meat that is low in saturated fat. However, if fried foods will lose water content and absorb fat, making it more calorie dense. Oils used for frying also tend to have high levels of trans fat.

4. Fried Potatoes

A study published by the Harvard School of Public Health states that fries have high cholesterol levels due to hydrogenated vegetable oils. Foods with hydrogenated oils tend to have a large amount of trans fat.

5. Ice Cream

A spoonful of ice cream has a higher level of fat and cholesterol than a burger and donut. A bowl of ice cream has 4.5 grams of saturated fat. Snacks such as frozen yogurt which are low in fat and fruits can be an alternative to ice cream.

6. Egg Yolk

One egg seed contains 186 mg of cholesterol. Even so, a study by a non-profit medical agency Mayo Clinc from the United States states that consuming less than four egg yolks per week does not lower the chance of someone suffering from heart disease. The key is not to consume excessively and continue to maintain cholesterol intake.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Low Education Becomes Factor Causes of Kidney Failure

Kidney disease does not just appear in someone. There are a number of factors that can affect a person with the disease. Among them are education and profession.

Data from the Ministry of Health said that as many as 0.4 percent of the people who did not receive education became the highest group of people with kidney failure. Profession of fishermen, laborers, farmers and entrepreneurs occupy a higher percentage of 30 percent than employees.

However, the data also states that 0.6 percent of patients with kidney failure are the age group 75 years to 75 years and above.

Head of the Ministry of Health's Blood Vessel Heart Disease Subdistrict, Dr. Zamhir Setiawan, M.Epid, said that the biggest factor that causes 37% of kidney failure is hypertension, 27% due to diabetes mellitus, 10% congenital abnormalities, 7% urinary tract blockage, 1 percent uric acid and 1 percent due to lupus.

"There are many factors that cause kidney failure because of the impact of other diseases,"

Zamhir said that in 2015 almost 1.3 million people were affected by chronic kidney failure.

To anticipate the increasing prevalence of kidney failure, Zamhir said, socialization of the importance of healthy living must be encouraged. A number of programs are also planned for this such as village healthy houses, community empowerment and cross-sector involvement.

"Empowerment of the community concerning households, schools, workplaces, pilgrims, terminals and public places must be improved," he said

Saturday, January 26, 2019

8 Foods that Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, one can prevent cancer by maintaining food intake. Some health studies sort a number of foods whose content is effective in preventing cancer, especially breast cancer.

"A woman can reduce the chances of cancer by two thirds, through good nutrition and weight management," said Cheryl L Rock, a professor at the Scool of Medicine University of California, as reported by Eating Well.

Among these foods, there are vegetables such as broccoli and celery, and nuts. The following are foods that have nutrients that can fight cancer compounds.

1. Broccoli

This vegetable contains sulforaphane which can reduce the number of breast cancer stem cells. To get maximum results, experts suggest eating raw broccoli, enough or sauteed for a while.

2. Salmon

Omega-3 fats in fish oil can reduce inflammation that triggers breast cancer. In addition, consuming fish oil for 10 years can reduce the risk of ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer. Researchers suggest eating at least 8 ounces of fish oil that can be obtained from salmon, sardines and tuna in a week.

3. Olive oil

Researchers found antioxidants and oleic acid in olive oil can quell the growth of malignant cells.

4. Parsley and Celery

Scientists from the University of Missouri, as reported by Eating Well, found that parsley and celery can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Apigenin substances in these two types of plants increase the body's resistance to tumors. Experts recommend adding some parsley and chopped celery to the food every day.

5. Coffee

According to the Breast Cancer Research study, drinking coffee every day can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. One possibility is predicted because coffee antioxidants can protect cells from cancer. However, further research is still needed to prove this.

6. Plums and Peaches

Both of these fruits have antioxidant levels that can match blueberries. Plums and peaches also contain polyphenols, antioxidants that can help kill breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.

7. Peanuts

The fiber content in nuts can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Researchers found 10 grams of fiber every day can reduce the risk of cancer by 7 percent. Apart from beans, other foods that also have similar fibers are lentils, peas, dates and raspberries.

8. Walnuts

Walnuts can thwart the growth of breast cancer. Experts consider anti-inflammation in walnuts that can be derived from alpha-linolenic acid omega-3 fats, phytosterols or antioxidants can potentially fight tumors.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Foods that Cause Diabetes

Indonesia - Diabetes is always a frightening specter. Complications caused can be life threatening.

In the world, it is estimated that there are around 245 million people fighting diabetes. Whereas in Indonesia, the prevalence of diabetes rose to 8.5 percent in 2018 from the previous 6.9 percent in 2013.

Diabetes occurs when the body cannot use insulin - an important part of the body's metabolic system - well.

An unhealthy lifestyle becomes a 'defendant' from this malfunction of insulin in the body. Especially lifestyle in choosing food. In the European Journal of Nutrition, it was mentioned that consuming too much fast food can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

If someone wants to reduce the risk of diabetes, then it's good to start diligently doing a healthy diet filled with nutritious foods. With a note, the effort must be carried out together with sports activities and stress management.

The following types of foods that can increase the risk of diabetes are taken from various sources.

Processed carbohydrates

When carbohydrate sources are processed, the vitamins and minerals in them will certainly disappear.

Calories without nutrients coupled with high sugar content are the main actors causing diabetes. As often as possible, you need to avoid this type of food.

The digestible properties of refined carbohydrates make this food can cause a surge in blood sugar and insulin levels. Over time, this condition will lead to type 2 diabetes.

In the Archives of Internal Medicine published in JAMA Network , it was mentioned that a diet high in refined carbohydrates increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 21 percent.

To reduce that risk, it means you need to limit your intake of processed carbohydrate foods such as bread, biscuits and pasta.

Sweet drinks

It is common knowledge that sweet drinks with high sugar content are the main cause of type 2 diabetes. Sugar, as is known, can cause insulin resistance.

Citing Healthline, drinking one to two glasses of sweet drinks per day can increase the risk of type-2 diabetes by 26 percent.

To stay hydrated, you can reduce the consumption of sweet drinks and increase mineral water for the body.

Trans and saturated fat

High cholesterol is one of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes. While saturated fat is known to increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

Saturated fats can be found in a number of food sources such as meat, butter, milk, and cheese.

Unlike saturated fat, trans fat is a form of unsaturated fat that can bring you to the risk of diabetes. Generally, trans fats are found in packaged foods and foods that are fried or baked with oil.

To avoid trans fat, you can use olive oil when you make it.

Red meat

Red meat, whether processed or not, is equally related to type 2 diabetes.

 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 3 ounces of red meat per day can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 19 percent. While consumption of processed meat can increase the risk by 51 percent.

For that, it's good if you switch to protein sources that can improve health such as fish. Or, if you want to feel the pleasure of red meat, you can combine it with a bowl of vegetables.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Natural Foods That Can Prevent Cancer

The most appropriate step to combat brain cancer is to prevent it. Although of course we can't know whether the cancer cells grow or not, but the habit of consuming healthy foods can prevent it.

There are several food sources that contain substances that can fight the growth of cancer cells in the brain and cancer cells in other body tissues that can spread to parts of the brain:

1. Broccoli
Broccoli is usually the vegetable we avoid the most. But it turns out broccoli is very beneficial for the body because it contains high antioxidants that can prevent brain cancer. In addition, broccoli contains fiber which acts to facilitate digestion and prevent metabolic problems. Daily consumption of broccoli is not only good for the large intestine and small intestine, but also protects the brain from the growth of abnormal cells that cause cancer.

2. Green Tea
Until now, people in Japan are still diligent in consuming green tea. They can consume green tea not only in the morning or evening. They have steeping green tea with natural pots and can be taken anytime. The result is that the brain health of people in Japan is the best.

Green tea contains the highest antioxidant because it has the simplest processing. There are not many antioxidants that come out during the cooking process and are far better than the types of red or black tea. In addition, green tea can also make the brain get good stimulation so that it can work optimally.

3. Nuts
All types of beans are very good as a food for brain cancer prevention. You can consume red beans, green beans, white beans, and other types as a daily diet for cancer prevention. Nuts contain high fiber and also fatty acids that act to protect the brain from cancer. In addition, nuts can also prevent the spread of cancer to other body tissues. Consumption of two cups of beans every week is recommended.

4. Walnuts
Walnuts are usually found in mixtures or cake decorations. Walnuts can also be eaten as snacks. Walnuts contain omega 3 nutrients that can make the body more relaxed. Walnuts can prevent brain cancer because they contain omega 3 which can function like, omega 3 found in fish that contain lots of oil. How to prevent brain cancer with walnuts has been tested in a study. To get the best results, it is recommended to eat snacks from walnuts for every day.

5. Ginger
Ginger which is included as a rhizome plant can prevent brain cancer because it contains compounds such as gingerol. In addition, ginger can be a source of ingredients that can protect the body from inflammation. Sometimes inflammation of certain body tissues can cause the growth of cancer cells in the brain. To get the main benefits of ginger can be mixed in drinks such as milk or tea. But it can also be used as a seasoning especially for Indonesian specialties.

6. Turmeric
Turmeric like ginger, also includes root plants or rhizomes. Turmeric is one of the ingredients or a mixture of traditional medicines that contain high antioxidants. From now on, using turmeric to prevent cancer can be done in various ways. One example is using turmeric as a seasoning mixture. Turmeric contains compounds that can prevent the inflammatory process that often triggers the growth of cancer cells in the brain. In addition to brain cancer, turmeric generally can also prevent various types of cancer in the body such as colon cancer and prostate cancer.

7. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are the fruit that can be used to prevent cancer cells. This is because tomatoes contain lycopene compounds that function as antioxidant anti-inflammatory substances and also prevent cancer growth. Usually people only consume tomatoes to prevent cancer, but it turns out eating tomatoes that have been cooked can increase the benefits. So it is better to consume tomatoes that have been cooked or made into mixed ingredients in cooking.

8. Avocados
Avocados are delicious fruits that contain lots of omega 3, fiber, antioxidants and can improve body health. Avocados can be a brain cancer prevention food that blocks the growth of brain cancer cells, by increasing the metabolic system and immune system. In this way the body is stronger and the active cells in the brain can work according to its function. In addition, avocados can also protect cells in the brain so that they are not affected by stimulation of active substances from air or food.

9. Garlic
Garlic is usually used as a spice for all types of cuisine. The strong aroma is often not liked, but it turns out garlic can actively prevent the growth of abnormal cells in the brain. In addition, garlic has other properties that are very good for preventing cancer such as protecting the body from bacteria, maintaining the immune system and can attack cancer cell growth directly. Even garlic can improve the DNA health system and prevent DNA damage. That's why add garlic in your menu.

10. Papaya
Papaya is a sweet fruit and usually contains a lot of water during the summer. Soft papaya with a special aroma contains a cancer-preventing substance. Lycopene contained in papaya is very useful to prevent the growth of cancer cells. The benefits are almost the same as lycopene found in tomatoes. Papaya can also be trusted to prevent the growth of all types of cancer cells, including ways to prevent skin cancer.

11. Cabbage
Cabbage can be used as cooking ingredients for soups or other types of preparations. Sometimes many cabbages are consumed as fresh vegetables. The content of antioxidants in cabbage is found in kale vegetables. Both types of vegetables are very active to prevent the growth of cancer cells and can maintain the age and strength of healthy cells in the body. Consumption of cooked cabbage and kale is highly recommended.

12. Salmon
Wildly found salmon can be the most effective food for preventing brain cancer. Many people consume salmon but they don't choose natural salmon. While the life methods for natural salmon and farmed salmon are indeed different. Apart from that problem, salmon can protect against brain cancer because it contains natural omega 3 substances that are very good for stimulating work and normal brain function.

13. Orange
Orange is known as a refreshing fruit that contains high amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C in citrus fruit is very good for protecting brain cells from attacks of cancer cell growth. Sweet and slightly sour orange flavor contains antioxidants that are very good for preventing free radicals from entering the body. The most recommended consumption of oranges is natural fruit oranges and not oranges that have been processed in the form of juice.

14. Bit
Beets are often avoided because they have a rather strange taste and a less comfortable aroma when consumed. But it turns out that beets contain high antioxidants which can directly prevent the growth of cancer cells. Beet fruit is also important to influence the condition of the body and mind because it can provide a quite pleasant effect. But excessive consumption of beetroot can increase blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure.

15. Apples
Apples have still been considered a refreshing fruit, but it turns out that apples contain very high benefits. Consumption of one apple every day can increase the body's resistance to free radicals and can prevent the risk of heart disease. The most recommended consumption of apples is fresh apple peeled, because sometimes apple peels contain pesticides that can be harmful to the body.

So, from now on we can maintain health, including by protecting the body from brain cancer. Various types of food that have been mentioned can be consumed actively to prevent the growth of brain cancer cells.

10 reasons not to be afraid of cancer

EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE IS ADVANCING BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS , and almost everyone has access to sites with correct information - but the word "cancer" remains frightening. Many tumors have long ceased to be a death sentence, especially in the case of early diagnosis. Nevertheless, cancer diseases are surrounded by a huge number of myths, conjectures and horror stories - and we tried to refute a dozen of them.

We have an epidemic of cancer
Indeed, in developed countries, oncological diseases occupy one of the first places among the causes of death of the population, catching up only with cardiovascular diseases or even ahead of them. At the same time, cancer is still a rather rare disease, different types of which are diagnosed only in a few dozen out of 100 thousand people a year. The catch is that the tumor develops due to a series of genetic mutations in a single cell - these mutations lead to its uninterrupted division bypassing the body's stop signals.

Cells become resistant to apoptosis (the so-called “programmed” death), new blood vessels begin to attract tumors to feed the tumor, and also penetrate into other organs and tissues - they metastasize. Often it takes years and decades. According to statistics , 77% of people with malignant tumors, they occur after 55 years. It is not surprising that in countries where the absolute majority of people are experiencing this threshold, oncology is widespread.

People used to not have cancer
The term "cancer" appeared in the fifth century BC thanks to Hippocrates. Traces of malignant tumors at different times were found in the mummies of ancient Egypt , Peru and Chile , in the bones of ancient Romans , in medieval cemeteries in England and Portugal . The King of Naples, Ferdinand I, died five hundred years ago from colon cancer that had been neglected , and a notable Scythian warrior, whose rich tomb was found in 2001 in the territory of the modern Republic of Tyva, had prostate cancer .

In other words, cancer with people was long ago, and even our distant ancestors did not escape it. On the only known remains of a Kanam man (Homo kanamensis) and another not yet named proto-man, they found signs of a malignant bone tissue tumor - osteosarcoma. By the most conservative estimates, about 200 cases of fossil cancer are described. It is worth making an amendment to the fact that many of the remains are only partially preserved, and targeted searches for cancer do not lead to them even now.

People used to have cancer less often
It is difficult to confirm or deny this item impartially. In addition to the fact that advances in medicine have allowed people to survive to cancer, the massive spread of smoking and obesity also did not improve the situation. But it cannot be argued that before cancer was extremely rare. The English paleontologist Tony Waldron studied the death register for the years 1901-1905 and found out that the probability of finding signs of cancer in the bone remains of men is 0–2%, and in women - 4–7%. At the same time, only primary bone tumors can be found directly in the bones - this is less than 0.2% of all cancers, as well as metastases of some other types of cancer. Soft tissue tumors in the remains, from which only the skeleton is preserved, are usually impossible to detect.

Later, scientists from Munich obtained the same results : using special equipment, they found five cases of cancer among 905 skeletons in Egyptian necropolises and thirteen cases in 2547 remains at a medieval cemetery in Germany. This suggests an interesting conclusion: although life in ancient Egypt and medieval Europe was different, people were equally sick with cancer.

Cancer is younger
From a statistical point of view, this is true: according to a recent conclusion from the International Agency for the Study of Cancer, over the past twenty years, their prevalence in children has increased by 13%. But everything is not as simple as it seems - and, fortunately, cancer in children remains an extremely rare disease (about 14 cases per 100 thousand children per year).

Scientists tend to believe that such an increase in prevalence is primarily the effect of more accurate diagnosis and high awareness. Perhaps in the future the numbers will increase: today's data covers 100% of children in North America and Europe and only 5% in Africa and Asia. In poorer countries, cancer in children is most likely simply not diagnosed.

Wild animals do not get cancer
All animals are ill with cancer: both wild, and domestic, and especially laboratory. Most often, tumors are diagnosed in domestic animals - there are many of them and they are subject to veterinary control. In addition, they are often the victims of closely related crosses that increase the likelihood of the transfer of defective genes to descendants. Wild animals also have oncological diseases. The population of Tasmanian devils - a marsupial mammal from Australia - is on the verge of extinction because their cancer has evolved and is able to spread through bites.

The myth that there are animals that do not get cancer is massively spread twice. The first time was when scientists noticed that the cartilage tissue does not contain vessels, and decided that it contains some substances that inhibit their growth. The most important feature of malignant tumors is the formation of new blood vessels, so the scientists decided to study the corresponding properties of cartilage tissue. True, they were ahead of the charlatans who flooded the market with shark pills: the shark's skeleton consists entirely of cartilage.

The second time the scientific community became a victim of the myth. Attention attracted naked cattle - small rodents, which differ in phenomenal life expectancy, up to thirty years. On this wave, Russian scientists even received a prestigious award for uncovering the mechanism of naked excavators' resistance to cancer, but after a couple of years, these rodents also had oncological diseases.

Can get cancer
Extremely seductive theory that cancer is an infectious disease, in the sixties of the last century, cost the United States National Cancer Institute hundreds of millions of dollars spent almost wasted. In fact, it is now known that there are viruses capable of provoking the development of certain types of cancer : the human papilloma virus causes cervical , anus, penis and pharynx cancer, hepatitis C virus - liver cancer, and Epstein - Barr virus - Burkitt's lymphoma.

People can become infected with cancer only by direct transfer of tumor cells from the donor to the recipient - for example, in the process of organ transplantation. True, even two thirds of such cases end with the fact that the immune system of the new host kills the implanted tumor.

The main cause of cancer is chemical carcinogens.
At one time, bacteriologist Bruce Ames invented a test that allows one to study the effects of chemicals on the genetic apparatus using bacteria, that is, to determine the carcinogenicity of these substances. Talk about chemical carcinogens caused a great public outcry and affected all industries. True, later Ames partially rehabilitated artificial chemical compounds: it turned out that natural substances may have the same properties. Of the 28 natural substances that a cup of coffee contains, 19 are vegetable carcinogens. However, they can cause the development of a tumor only in large quantities, and it is possible only in laboratory animals.

Chemical carcinogens and justifies the history of American Pripyat - the town of Love Canal , built on a dump of toxic waste. For thirty years of a retrospective study , no outbreak of cancer was detected in ex-residents. The residents and liquidators of Chernobyl also did not find anything , excluding the more frequent thyroid cancer in children and adolescents: its development was associated with food contamination with radioactive iodine in the first months after the disaster.

In fact, the main carcinogens have long been known - it is ultraviolet radiation, components of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Other important risk factors are obesity and some infections. Chronic exposure to cigarette smoke and other lifestyle elements are much more important than any parabens in cosmetics whose carcinogenicity has been demonstrated only in the laboratory.

Pharmaceutical companies are not profitable to invent a cure for cancer
It is impossible to find a single cure for cancer, if only because cancer is the common name for a huge group of diseases. Moreover, breast cancer alone is hundreds of different diseases. Cancer is individual, as the individual organism of each individual is individual, like fingerprints . The current trend in oncology is the so-called precision medicine, which allows you to choose a personal medicine or treatment regimen for each patient based on specific biomarkers.

Billions of dollars are invested in drug development, and it is still profitable for pharmaceutical companies - in terms of both finance and reputation. For many malignant tumors, effective treatment already exists - but for the reasons described above, it does not suit everyone.

We have no progress in cancer treatment.
Over the past ten to twenty years, overall cancer mortality in various age groups has decreased by 1% every year - and this trend is noted throughout the world. The exception was lung cancer in women - the result of the fashion of the seventies on "female" cigarettes, and also liver cancer - the result of the massive spread of infection by the hepatitis C virus.

Cancer is impossible to beat
Of course, it is better to warn rather than win. Cancer prevention includes a number of simple requirements : it is necessary to eliminate smoking, reduce alcohol consumption and red meat, eat enough vegetables and fruits, monitor body weight, be physically active and protect the skin from sunburn.

In the early stages, cancer is curable - true, and difficult to identify, because it does not manifest itself. On the website of the Cancer Prevention Foundation, you can be tested for personal risks and understand when to turn to oncologists. Cancer in the later stages is most often impossible to cure, but in many cases, treatment can restrain its progression. Cancers become chronic, and people have lived with them for decades - so in a certain sense, we won the cancer.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Diabetes in children

Diabetes in children is on the first place among all endocrine pathologies. Almost always (in 90% of cases) diagnosed type 1 diabetes, which requires lifelong insulin.

Usually in childhood diabetes is diagnosed during the discovery of the child unconscious. It develops diabetic coma due to the very high numbers of sugar. In the absence of adequate and timely treatment , a child can die within a few hours.

The primary cause of diabetes in childhood is a hereditary predisposition, often passed in the female line. However, infection of the boys absolutely not excluded. Can also affect pancreatic deficiency during embryonic formation of all organs and systems.

Trigger diabetes in children are:

Infectious diseases, such as (chicken pox, rubella, measles, influenza, mumps, etc.).
Sudden stressful situations for the kid (quarrels in the family, jitters etc.). After such situations the child can later short intervals to detect increased thirst (became request more water), and frequent urination. Nighttime urination increases several times. If you do not clog the alarm and did not show the child the doctor can easily and in short terms develop coma.
Throughout life, the child must receive insulin and stick to a particular diet. This does not, however, prevent complications, and only slightly lengthens the time of their appearance. Most often the first to be damaged blood vessels (angiopathy and develops retinopathy). To assist the child in such situations should be regularly and promptly held a survey on this issue and when it detects the slightest changes to urgently proceed with treatment.