Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blood sugar

Quite often, diseases associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus and prediabeticheskie condition ofhypoglycemia), long proceed asymptomatically and are diagnosed already in severe forms. It is important to understand that for the prevention of any disease is recommended strict I Herbal diet. Where no such therapeutic power type to prevent irreversible changes in the body, from time to time need to donate blood sugar.

Blood sugar is a fairly simple procedure that does not require a lot of time and money, but quite informative.

Types of
There are several types of blood sugar:

Test with "sugar load;
Analysis of glikirovanyj hemoglobin.
It is believed that the laboratory method more accurate because it is carried out only in specialized laboratories (hospital or diagnostic centres). Express-method is convenient because the patient may spend it yourself at home by using a special device-glucose test. But when it is used in error results can be up to twenty percent that could be connected with the technical device of the device or its incorrect use.

Indications for
Measure the glucose level can each, but with a number of symptoms of blood sugar is necessarily procedure. Among them:

a strong and constant thirst;
reduced efficiency;
increased fatigue;
lowered immunity.

Methodology of conducting
Regardless of the type of blood, the rules are the same. First of all, the blood (from the finger or from Vienna) is carried out on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. One day prior to analysis stands to abandon alcohol and possibly taking drugs because they may distort the results.

Laboratory study involves blood w anal blood from the fingertip/from Vienna. Thus, it is held as the standard sample for blood sugar levels and analysis for glycated hemoglobin. The latter is used less frequently to detect violations of carbohydrate metabolism. Is assigned to patients with diagnosed diabetes already for tracking blood glucose Dynamics to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

For a test with "sugar" is a load of blood from the veins on an empty stomach, after which the patient drinks sugar syrup and two hours later rents blood again. Taking a break to eat, drink, smoke or engage in physical exercise, as this may distort the results of the study.

Norms and decoding
As already mentioned, the normal blood sugar level is 3.5-5.5 mmol/l glucose Increase to 6.0 mmol/l is called a prediabeticheskim conditionwhich may be caused by excessive eating, drinking sweet alcohol for 24 hours prior to blood donation, stress, but it is not a disease.

When taking blood from a vein glucose levels above the norm at twelve percent and this should be taken into account when their decryption.

For a test with "sugar load" has its own border rules:

Up to 7.8 mmol/l is the norm;
11.00-7.8 mmol/l is pre-diabetes;
Above 11.1 mmol/l — diabetes.
What if the test results are bad?
You can always hold a retest to be sure, but if additional studies have identified the disease, do not despair. Violation of carbohydrate metabolism, when properly assigned therapy doctor-endocrinologist, largely not affect quality of life, and prediabeticheskie condition can be corrected by using individual diet.

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