Friday, January 25, 2019

Foods that Cause Diabetes

Indonesia - Diabetes is always a frightening specter. Complications caused can be life threatening.

In the world, it is estimated that there are around 245 million people fighting diabetes. Whereas in Indonesia, the prevalence of diabetes rose to 8.5 percent in 2018 from the previous 6.9 percent in 2013.

Diabetes occurs when the body cannot use insulin - an important part of the body's metabolic system - well.

An unhealthy lifestyle becomes a 'defendant' from this malfunction of insulin in the body. Especially lifestyle in choosing food. In the European Journal of Nutrition, it was mentioned that consuming too much fast food can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

If someone wants to reduce the risk of diabetes, then it's good to start diligently doing a healthy diet filled with nutritious foods. With a note, the effort must be carried out together with sports activities and stress management.

The following types of foods that can increase the risk of diabetes are taken from various sources.

Processed carbohydrates

When carbohydrate sources are processed, the vitamins and minerals in them will certainly disappear.

Calories without nutrients coupled with high sugar content are the main actors causing diabetes. As often as possible, you need to avoid this type of food.

The digestible properties of refined carbohydrates make this food can cause a surge in blood sugar and insulin levels. Over time, this condition will lead to type 2 diabetes.

In the Archives of Internal Medicine published in JAMA Network , it was mentioned that a diet high in refined carbohydrates increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 21 percent.

To reduce that risk, it means you need to limit your intake of processed carbohydrate foods such as bread, biscuits and pasta.

Sweet drinks

It is common knowledge that sweet drinks with high sugar content are the main cause of type 2 diabetes. Sugar, as is known, can cause insulin resistance.

Citing Healthline, drinking one to two glasses of sweet drinks per day can increase the risk of type-2 diabetes by 26 percent.

To stay hydrated, you can reduce the consumption of sweet drinks and increase mineral water for the body.

Trans and saturated fat

High cholesterol is one of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes. While saturated fat is known to increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

Saturated fats can be found in a number of food sources such as meat, butter, milk, and cheese.

Unlike saturated fat, trans fat is a form of unsaturated fat that can bring you to the risk of diabetes. Generally, trans fats are found in packaged foods and foods that are fried or baked with oil.

To avoid trans fat, you can use olive oil when you make it.

Red meat

Red meat, whether processed or not, is equally related to type 2 diabetes.

 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 3 ounces of red meat per day can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 19 percent. While consumption of processed meat can increase the risk by 51 percent.

For that, it's good if you switch to protein sources that can improve health such as fish. Or, if you want to feel the pleasure of red meat, you can combine it with a bowl of vegetables.

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