Saturday, April 30, 2016

Coronary heart disease (CHD)

Coronary heart disease (CHD)

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a disease that unites stenocardia, myocardial infarction and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. CHD develops due to insufficient perfusion of the coronary arteries of the heart due to the narrowing of the clearance.

Coronary heart disease is by far one of the most common diseases worldwide.

Unfortunately, doctors and patients, treatment of the disease of the century "drugs effectively. Because the pills to "dissolve" holesterinovuû patch inside the vessel of the heart. Over the years, the plaque grows, making blood flow, myocardial infarction and the prospect of becoming threatening. Requires Aortocoronary bypass surgery-extensive surgery. The excitement of close, long months of recovery, frightening word "disability".

However, do not despair. In our cardio theater there is an alternative and pills, and complex operations: high-tech cardiac sparing intervention is coronary angiography and balloon Angioplasty with stenting.

Judge for yourself: these procedures do not require anesthesia, are completely safe and easy to carry.

The very next day after the intervention you will walk, and less than a week-return to their regular employment without any restrictions.

Why does coronary heart disease?

With age along the inner lining of the coronary arteries appear deposits of fatty substances such as cholesterol. These fatty deposits called atherosclerotic plaques. Over time they grow, narrowing the lumen of the artery and impeding blood flow to the heart muscle. As a result, atherosclerotic plaques impede blood flow to the heart muscle, as us signals zagrudinnaya pain-angina. So developing coronary heart disease.
Signs of coronary heart disease

If you develop signs of coronary heart disease heart disorders — painful bouts of heart, heart rate, there are changes on the electrocardiogram.

Keep in mind that CORONARY HEART DISEASE is a disease that progresses very slowly. And it is very important to identify the disease in its early stages of development.

An important diagnostic sign of coronary heart disease is the feeling of discomfort in the chest or back, raised during the walk, a certain physical or emotional load and going after the termination of this load. The sure sign of angina is also rapid disappearance of unpleasant sensations after taking nitroglycerin (10-15 sec.).

In recent years, an increasing number of cases of sudden death in patients with lesions of the coronary arteries. The defeat of arteries, krovosnabžaûŝih heart, leads to their stenozu and obstruction; as a result, disturbed blood flow to the heart muscle.

That contributes to the development of coronary heart disease?
  • arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure more than 140/90 mmHg)
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • overweight/poor nutrition
  • smoking tobacco
  • bad heredity (for example, hypertension and myocardial infarction in relatives)
  • diabetes mellitus
  • excessive emotional stress, frequent stressful situations.

How to diagnose coronary heart disease?

For precise diagnosis requires first and foremost, contact a qualified cardiologist.

Credo experts Tyumen Cardiology Center-an individual approach to each patient.

Your doctor will carefully study the causes and progression of the disease, will prescribe the necessary research to confirm the diagnosis. Comprehensive survey can be completed without leaving the building of the Tyumen Cardiology Center.

The final stage is a diagnostic coronary angiography. This is the most accurate modern method, which allows you to determine the number and size of atherosclerotic plaques, as well as their location in the vessels of the heart.

Diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease

Rentgencontrastnam study method, which allows you to precisely determine the nature, place and degree of coronary artery narrowing is coronary angiography.
The procedure is performed (in most cases) under local anesthesia. The doctor sets the introducer (tube for catheter) into the femoral or radial artery. Through it introduces a long narrow tube-conductor catheter and promotes him to the site of the narrowing of coronary arteries. At the time of the introduction of contrast agent doctor clearly sees on the screen all the disruption of normal blood flow.
If necessary, immediately after the angiography, Dr. will hold an angioplasty to restore blood flow to the damaged vessel.
From May 31, 1988 year in Tyumen cardio Theater held over 10000 coronary angiographies. In the training of doctors, having such a great experience, there can be no doubt.

Major high-tech way to restore coronary artery is the holding of Percutaneous coronary angioplasty Balloon Translûminal′noj. you can judge the essence of this manipulation on its name:

  • Percutaneous -indicates that the introduction of the catheter into a vessel is carried out through the puncture of the skin.
  • Transluminal- means that all actions are performed through the vessels.
  • Balloon -means that the restoration of the lumen of the affected coronary artery by inflating a balloon at the site of narrowing of the vessel.
  • Coronary means that effects are subjected to coronary artery, i.e., arteries, heart krovosnabžaûŝie.
  • Angioplasty- means that the effects produced on the vessel (from the word "Angio"-a vessel).
According to the results of the year 2007 (data b. Alekâna, Moscow, 2008) Tyumen Cardiology Center became one of five leaders by the number of completed angioplastik and stentings coronary arteries among the 118 specialised clinics in Russia.

Transluminal balloon coronary angioplasty is by far the most secure method of treatment of coronary heart disease in the world.

Glossary of key terms

Cholesterol is a zhiropodobnoe substance coming into organism with food products of animal origin (fatty meat, butter, egg yolk, etc.). Cholesterol is "good", for the construction of cells and "bad". It is "bad" cholesterol is delayed over the years on the walls of blood vessels, gradually narrowing their lumen.

Coronary heart disease is atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries (the blood vessels of the heart), leading to their narrowing (stenozu) and, as a consequence, ischemia (insufficient blood supply) of the heart muscle.

Angina -pain or discomfort in the chest when walking or other physical activity, coming alone or after taking nitroglycerin.

Invasive procedure- procedure, which is performed by the surgeon through the puncture or minimum cut using special equipment. In cardiology this term involve cardiac intervention not requiring a large cross-section of the chest.

A stent is a small metal tube, made of a special alloy. Unopened stent in nerazdutom container is located in the restriction of place receptacle, and then the balloon is inflated at high pressure and stent, although strengthens depressed wall receptacle and further serves as a sort of skeleton. 

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